
28th July 2024 - Jacky - Taste and see, the Lord is good - Click here to open

21st July 2024 - Sarah - Light of the World Festival - Click here to open

14th July 2024 - Georgie - Life's journey - Click here to open

07th July 2024 - Donia - His Glory and My Good - Click here to open

30th Jun 2024 - No service available

23rd Jun 2024 - Sarah - Working together - Click here to open

16th Jun 2024 - Georgie - Abba-Father - Click here to open

09th Jun 2024 - Nigel - A hungry Soul - Click here to open

02nd Jun 2024 - Bob & Cathy - Soundbites from a Christian Walk - Click here to open

26th Apl 2024 - Sarah - A service of two halves - Click here to open

19th Apl 2024 - Alan - Peter addresses the crowd - Click here to open

12th Apl 2024 - Donia - The Gift of Free Will - Click here to open

05th Apl 2024 - Martin Smith - One in Christ - Click here to open

28th Apl 2024 - Visiting Speaker, no e-service

21st Apl 2024 - Karen - Creatures of Habit - Click here to open

14th Apl 2024 - Nigel - Hidden in Plain Sight - Click here to open

07th Apl 2024 - Bob - Good and faithful servant - Click here to open

31st Mar 2024 - no e service

24th Mar 2024 - Jacky - Palm Sunday - Click here to open and Music - Click here to open

17th Mar 2024 - Georgie - Living it inside out - Click here to open

10th Mar 2024 - Donia - Standing on Holy Ground - Click here to open

03rd Mar 2024 - Bob - Light in the darkness - Click here to open

25th Feb 2024 - Georgie - Commitment - Click here to open

18th Feb 2024 - Nigel - A palace in our hearts - Click here to open

11th Feb 2024 - Sarah - Building Bridges - Click here to open

04th Feb 2024 - Karen - Gladiators Ready! - Click here to open 

28th Jan 2024 - Donia - God is All - Click here to open

1st Jan 2024 - Jacky - Blessings - Click here to open

14th Jan 2024 - Cathy & Bob - Covenant - Click here to open

07th Jan 2024 - Georgie - Gifts - Click here to open

31st Dec 2023 - Nigel - What if? - Click here to open

24th Dec 2023 - Bob - Light of the World - Click here to open

17th Dec 2023 - Carol Service - Click here to open

10th Dec 2023 - Donia - The Prince of Peace - Click here to open

03rd Dec 2023 - Cathy & Bob - Hope in the waiting - Click here to open

26th Nov 2023 - Jacky - We trust God, God trusts us (cut and pasted) Click here to open

26th Nov 2023 - Jacky - Music links - Click here to open

19th Nov 2023 - no notes

12th Nov 2023 - Karen & Martin - For what will you be remembered? - Click here to open

05th Nov 2023 - Georgie - Resisting Temptation - Click here to open

29th Oct 2023 - Donia - New Creation part 2 - Click here to open

22nd Oct 2023 - Bob - Goodness of God - Click here to open

15th Oct 2023 - Sarah - Harvest - Click here to open 

08th Oct 2023 - Georgie - Why? - Click here to open

01st Oct 2023 - Karen - Responsibility - Click here to open

24th Sep 2023 - Bob & Cathy - Faith in Action - Click here to open

17th Sep 2023 - Nigel - Cornerstone - Click here to open

03rd Sep 2023 - Jacky - Ezekiel's God - Click here to open

27th Aug 2023 - Bob - Boots on the ground - 4 reasons - Bob - Click here to open

20th Aug 2023 - Nigel - Sowing and Mission - Click here to open

13th Aug 2023 - Sarah - A Women's Place? - Click here to open

06th Aug 2023 - Karen - Pointing to Jesus - Click here to open

30th Jul 2023 - Jacky - Crossing the Jordan - Click here to open

23rd Jul 2023 - Donia - A New Creation - Click here to open

16th Jul 2023 - Mark - Who am I? - Click here to open

09th Jul 2023 - Georgie - "Follow me" - Click here to open

02nd Jul 2023 - Nigel - P.R.A.Y, Pilgrimage - Click here to open

25th Jun 2023 - Wycliffe Bible Translators, Tabatha - Click here to open

18th Jun 2023 - Mark - Fathers' Day - Click here to open

11th Jun 2023 - Bob & Cathy - Spirit Led - Click here to open

04th Jun 2023 - Jacky - The Kingdom of Heaven - Click here to open

28th May 2023 - Georgie - Safeguarding/Psalm 121 - Click here to open

21st May 2023 - Sarah - Do you have a dream? - Click here to open

14th May 2023 - Alan - Who should we fear? - Click here to open

 7th May 2023 - no service due to illness

30th Apl 2023 - Donia - Praying together - Click here to open

23rd Apl 2023 - Sarah/Open Doors - Influencers for Christ - Click here to open

16th Apr 2023 - Nigel - Tell me what you think - Click here to open

   9th Apr 2023 - Easter Sunday - Click here to open

  2nd Apr 2023 - Donia - Surrendering Control - Click here to open

26th Mar 2023 - Tony Brown - Healthy Relationships - Click here to open

19th Mar 2023 - Karen - Mothers' Day - Click here to open

12th Mar 2023 - Mark - Pick 'n Mix - Click here to open

 5th Mar 2023 - New Beginning - Bob (Audio) - Click here to open

26th Feb 2023 - Covenant of Love - Jacky - Click here to open

19th Feb 2023 - Dry bones - Nigel - Click here to open

12th Feb 2023 - Giving and Receiving Love - Georgie - Click here to open

5th Feb 2023 - Does God like us? - Sarah - Click here to open

29th Jan 2023 - Life is a puzzle - Karen - Click here to open

22nd Jan 2023 - The great commission - Georgie - Click here to open

15th Jan 2023 - Where does my help come from? - Nigel - Click here to open

8th Jan 2023 - Covenant - Bob & Cathy - Click here to open

1st Jan 2023 - The Lamb of God - Donia - Click here to open

18th Dec 2022 - Carol Service - Donia - Click here to open

11th Dec 2022 - Lazarus - Nigel - Click here to open

04th Dec 2022 - No Limits & Lighthouse - God's love for us - Click here to open

27th Nov 2022 - Advent 1 - Sarah - Click here to open

20th Nov 2022 - The Good Shepherd - Tony Brown - Click here to open

06th Nov 2022 - Does God Exist? - Georgie - Click here to open

30th Oct 2022 - The love bug strikes - Martin - Click here to open

23rd Oct 2022 - Paying Forward - Donia - Click here to open

16th Oct 2022 - Salt and Light - Karen - Click here to open

09th Oct 2022 - Harvest - Bob & Cathy - Click here to open

 02nd Oct 2022 - The greatest production -Donia - Click here to open

25th Sep 2022 - Coming and Going - Sarah - Click here to open

18th Sep 2022 - Zacchaeus - Donia - Click here to open

11th Sep 2022 - Georgie - Follow me - Click here to open

4th Sep 2022 - Nigel - What 3 words? - Click here to open

28th Aug 2022 - Donia - Who am I? - Click here to open

21st Aug 2022 - Alan - Faith and Hope - Click here to open

14th Aug 2022 - Donia - Parable of the Wedding Feast - Click here to open

7th Aug 2022 - Jacky - God is love - Click here to open

7th Aug 2022 - Jacky - Readings - Click here to open

7th Aug 2022 - Jacky - Music links - Click here to open

31st July 2022 - Sarah - Rest Recuperate Re-engage - Click here to open

24th July 2022 - Bob - Time for a reset? - Click here to open

17th July 2022 - Karen - Yesterday, Today and Forever - Click here to open

10th July 2022 - Nigel - Journeys  - Click here to open

03rd July 2022 - Georgie - God calls Israel through Hosea - Click here to open

26th June 2022 - Bob - A special season - Click here to open

19th June 2022 - Mark - BLESSings - Click here to open

12th Jun 2022 - Jacky - Be Holy - Pt 1 - Click here to open

12th Jun 2022 - Jacky - Be Holy - Pt 2 - Click here to open

05th Jun 2022 - Sarah - Pentecost - Click here to open

29th May 2022 - Georgie - Ecclesiastese - Click here to open

22nd May 2022 - If you only knew - Karen - Click here to open

15th May 2022 - Follow me , the Commission - Bob & Cathy - Click here to open

08th May 2022 - Forgiveness - Donia - Click here to open

01st May 2022 - God's Ways ... - Sarah -  Click here to open

24th Apl 2022 - While you were sleeping - Tony Brown - Click here to open

17th Apl 2022 - Easter/Covenant God - Click here to open

10th Apl 2022 - Change - Georgie - Click here to open

  3rd Apl 2022 - Gideon - Donia - Click here to open

27th Mar 2022 - Alan - Demand for a sign - Click here to open

20th Mar 2022 - Open Doors - Click here to open

13thMar 2022 - Int.  Women's Day - Sarah - Click here to open

  6th Mar 2022 - BELLS 5 - Sent (2) - Bob & Cathy - Click here to open

27th Feb 2022 - BELLS 5 - Sent - Nigel - Click here to open

20th Feb 2022 - Prayers - Georgie - Click here to open

13th Feb 2022 - BELLS4 - Learn (2) - Karen - Click here to open

 6th Feb 2022 - BELLS 4 - Learn - Nigel - Click here to open

30th Jan 2022 - BELLS 3 - Listen (2) - Donia - Click here to open

23rd Jan 2022 - BELLS 3 - Listen - Nigel - Click here to open

16th Jan 2022 - BELLS 2 - Eat - Georgie - Click here to open

09th Jan 2022 - SBC/BBC - BELLS 1 - Click here to open

02nd Jan 2022 - Donia - Light & Darkness - Click here to open

19th Dec 2021 - Donia - Christmas Reflection - Click here to open

12th Dec 2021 - David F - Isaiah 9:1-7 - Click here to open

05th Dec 2021 - Sarah - John the Baptist - Click here to open

28th Nov 2021 - Karen - Advent - Click here to open

21st Nov 2021 - Bob & Cathy - AEIOU - Click here to open

14th Nov 2021 - Alan (AM) A God we can Trust - Click here to open

14th Nov 2021 - Jacky (pm) - Justice, Mercy and Grace - Click here to open

 7th Nov 2021 - Nigel - Creation and Purpose - Click here to open

31st Oct 2021 - Donia - The Bird - Click here to open

24th Oct 2021 - Mark - Living life - Click here to open

17th Oct 2021 - Georgie - Why did God make You? - Click here to open

10th Oct 2021  - Bob & Cathy - Harvest - Click here to open

03rd Oct 2021  - Karen - Micha 6 vs 8 - Click here to open

26th Sept 2021 - Sarah - Suffering and Rejoicing - Click here to open

19th Sept 2021 - Nigel - Spring Cleaning - Click here to open

12th Sept 2021 - David F - Being Church - Click here to open

05th Sept 2021- Georgie - God's People - Click here to open

29th Aug 2021 - Karen -  A Father's Love - Click here to open

22nd Aug 2021 - Nigel - Re-wilding - Click here to open

15th Aug 2021 - Mark - Making a difference - Click here to open

 8th Aug 2021 - David F - When is a church not a church? - Click here to open

 1st Aug 2021 - Sarah - Children of God - Click here to open

25th Jul 2021 - Donia - Who is in Control? - Click here to open

18th Jul 2021 - Cathy & Bob - God's timings (Seasons) - Click here to open

11th Jul 2021 - Georgie - Choices - Click here to open

  4th Jul 2021 - Nigel - Confidence - Click here to open

27th Jun 2021 - Mark - Testimony service - Click here to open

20th Jun 2021 - Rees - God's unchanging Truth - Click here to open

13th Jun 2021 - David F - Good News! - Galatians - Click here to open

  6th Jun 2021 - Karen - Summer Sea - Click here to open

30th May 2021 - Sarah - Trinity Sunday - Click here to open

23rd May 2021 - Donia - Pentecost - Click here to open

16th May 2021 - Bob and Cathy- Coming out of Exile - Click here to open

9th May 2021 - Nigel - A New Citizenship -  Click here to open

2nd May 2021 - Georgie - Re-evaluate - Click here to open

25th Apr 2021 - Karen - Stressed out?  Get a life! - Click here to open

18th Apr 2021 - David F - "My Brother" - Click here to open

11th Apr 2021 - Mark - Why Cake Bake? - Click here to open

 4th Apr 2021 - Easter Service - Click here to open

28th Mar 2021 - Sarah - Palm Sunday - Click here to open

21st Mar 2021 - Bob & Cathy - God's Promises - Click here to open

14th Mar 2021 - Georgie - Fruit of the Spirit, Slef-control - Click here

7th Mar 2021 - Karen - Fruit of the Spirit, Gentleness - Click here to open

28th Feb 2021 - Rees - Fruit of the Spirit, Faithfulness - Click here to open

21st Feb 2021 - Mark - Fruit of the Spirit, Goodness - Click here to open

14th Feb 2021 - Sarah - Fruit of the Spirit, Kindness - Click here to open

 7th Feb 2021 - Nigel - Fruit of the Spirit, Patience - Click here to open

31st Jan 2021 - Donia - Fruit of the Spirit, Peace - Click here to open

24th Jan 2021 - Bob - Fruit of the Spirit, Joy - Click here to open

17th Jan 2021 - David F - Fruit of the Spirit, Love - Click here to open

10th Jan 2021  - Nigel - Carriers of God's Future - Click here to open

  3rd Jan 2021 - Georgie - Hope! - Click here to open

28th Dec 2020 - Sarah - What should we do? - Click here to open

20th Dec 2020 - links to Christmas services - Click here to open

13th Dec 2020 - Donia - A question for Christmas - Click here to open

  6th Dec 2020 - Georgie - The giving of gifts - Click here to open

29th Nov 2020 - Mark - Surrounded by God - Click here to open

22nd Nov 2020 - Nigel - Perspective, his or mine - Click here to open

15th Nov 2020 - Donia - Trusting God - Click here to open

  8th Nov 2020 - Karen - Remembrance Sunday - Click here to open

  1st Nov 2020 - Bob Click here to open

25th Oct 2020 -  Bravery - Sarah  Click here to open

18th Oct 2020 - Ability Sunday - Witness - Jacky  Click here to open

11th Oct 2020 - Harvest - Nigel Click here to open

 4th Oct  2020 - Witness - Georgie  Click here to open

27th Sept 2020 - Pilgrims - Sarah Click here to open

20th Sept 2020 - Smile Charity Uganda - Bob and Cathy Click here to open

13th Sept 2020 - Cloud of Witnesses - Donia, Click here to open

6th Sept 2020 - Praise Party pt II - Mark, Click here to open

30th Aug 2020 - And then there's Prayer - Georgie, Click here to open

23rd Aug 2020 - In God's Time - Nigel - Click here to open

16th Aug 2020 - The Good Shepherd - Donia - Click here to open 

  9th Aug 2020 -  Patience - Karen - Click here to open

  2nd Aug 2020 - Wait for the Lord - Bob - Click here to open

26th July 2020 - Friends with Jesus - Jacky - Click here to open

19th July 2020 - Decisions, Control and Judgement - Nigel - Click here

12th July 2020 - Keep it Simple - Sarah - Click here to open

 5th July  2020 - Back to Basics - Georgie - Click here to open

28th June 2020 - Differing Views - Karen - Click here to open

21st June  2020 - Jesus walks on water - Bob & Cathy - Click here to open

14th June  2020 - Names - Jacky: Click here to open

7th   June  2020 - Being a child - Mark:  Click here to open

31st May   2020 - New beginnings - Georgie: Click here to open

24th May   2020 - Peace, Love and Joy - Nigel: Click here to open

17th May   2020 - Christ's Ascension - Donia: Click here to open

10th May   2020 - Living Hope - Sarah: Click here to open

 3rd  May   2020 - Smile Uganda - Bob: Click here to open

26th April   2020 - Jacky - Our Lord and Father - Jacky: Click here to open

19th April   2020 - Boldly face the future - Nigel: Click here to open

12th April   2020 - Easter Sunday - Click here to open

 5th  April   2020 - Palm Sunday - Georgie: Click here to open

29th March 2020 - Reasons to be cheerful - Fusion: Click here to open

22nd March 2020 - God is always with us - Sarah: Click here to open