Core Values
Southwick Baptist Church desires to be an inclusive community…
- where we give ourselves to the Lord in vibrant WORSHIP, through song, scripture and the arts, enjoying His presence at all times.
- sharing genuine FELLOWSHIP where each person is willing to take the initiative, offering sacrificial love, committed to being one body.
- committed to MAKING DISCIPLES by sharing personal experiences and gifts, journeying and growing together in relationship, becoming the people God made us to be.
- engaged in personal and corporate PRAYER, in which we proclaiming Christ's power to dispel darkness from our lives, from the lives of others and in our world... Hallelujah!
- acknowledging Jesus and the Word of God as the TRUTH. This Truth sets us free to know ourselves, have honest relationships, resolve conflict and be a prophetic voice in the world.
- in which God’s love is demonstrated with confidence, making Christ known by REACHING out to OUR COMMUNITIES in service.
- among whom the needy and hurting can be loved and nurtured into WHOLENESS of body, mind and spirit through the HEALING power of Christ.